Saturday, November 14, 2009

Boy or Girl?

Well everyone I am PREGNANT:) I made these cute tiles for my parents and Joseph's parents to tell them:) It was so fun to see their faces:) I am 4 months and am due in May:) I find out what I am having in a couple weeks so leave me a message and let me know if you think its a girl or boy:):)


Andreason said...

That is so funny! Matt and I were talking about all the people due in May, and he asked me if you were due in May. I told him, "no I don't think she is pregnant" and he didn't believe me, so last night we got on your blog and I showed him that there was no 'news'. And now today you announce it! I told Matt he called it! Congrats! Having a child is so much work, but so worth it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats again Britt! Love you! you are ALL boy!!!

Lisa said...

Yea for you Boo!!!! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you two!! Your mom and dad must be so thrilled...their baby having a baby :) I hope pregnancy treats you well !

Brady and Brittany said...

AHH! Britt congratulations!! That is so exciting!! I LOVE you!

Anonymous said...

AHHHH you are?!?!? Congrats!!!!

Katelyn said...

Congrads!! I'm so exited for you! I say its gonna be a lil girl!!

Katie said...

BAH! Congratulations!!! That is so stinking exciting!!! How have you been feeling?! I am going to guess....a girl!! That is so exciting!

The Mansfields said...

Still... SO excited for you!!! I am betting on a little girl!

Joslyn said...

We are so excited for you! You guys will be awesome are always so sweet with my girls! Our guess is that you will have a boy! :)

Jason, Casey and Zuri Coutts said...

Games and eating endless amounts of food with you and Joe (and everyone else) was so fun! My guess for the little one is a girl:)

Jason, Casey and Zuri Coutts said...

Games and eating endless amounts of food with you and Joe (and everyone else) was so fun! My guess for the little one is a girl:)

Our Family said...

so fun!!! wow that is good of you to keep a secret for 4 months.i never have been able to do that. i think girl

Nessa said...

That is so exciting Brittany!! Congrats!!

Jaci said...

Britt...CONGRATS!! :) i'm way happy for you guys! well i hope its a boy ha ha so porter and him can be friends!(well they can even if its a girl too) i hope you're feeling well!

Curtiss & Ginger said...

You and Joe are going to be such FUN parents!! I cant wait to know!! I hope you have TWINS!! :) :)

Michael and Tiffany Rhodes said...

BOY! 100%~

CHS officers said...

Oh my heck!! Congrats Britt!!! That is SO exciting!! I think you guys are going to have a boy!!

Dream Big Designs said...

I vote girl..just from the pensil test!

Anonymous said...


