Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day- AKA Lovers Day:)

I hope you all had an AMAZING Valentines day cause I sure did. (Remind me never to wear a turtle neck when taking pictures it looks like I don't have one....a neck that is:)Around 3:00p.m Joseph and I took my parents to the airport so they could head to their cruise. After that we decided to beat the rush and go hit up, RED LOBSTER. (we go every year) It was so good, I love that place.

When we got home from dinner Joseph SURPRISED me with this...........
a BIKE!!!!!!!! Ever since Joseph and I went to Virginia last summer I have wanted a bike so bad. I though I was going to get it on Christmas when Joseph sent me on a scavenger hunt.......but I didn't. Little did I know he was planning on getting it for me on V-Day:):) What a hunk, he is so sweet. I was so excited that I took it on a little stroll outside even though it was FREEZING!!!!
So when we got down stairs I surprised him with a basket of blankets and goodies (Carmel apple, Carmel dipped pretzels, and of course his favorite chocolate dipped strawberries, and some new head phones and a belt he has been wanting.) then we got in our P.J's and watched about 3 movies, since it was so early, and ate are treats.It was such a fun and relaxing day we loved it. Thanks Love for the amazing bike I Love it so much and am excited to use it in Chicago:):) Thanks for being such a great and wonderful husband, I am glad I get to spend eternity with you XOXOXO


Anonymous said...

You got a bike?A bike....Only you britt:) That is so sweet of Joe! And I cant believe you are going to Chicago! That is amazing! You have to go to Oprah!

Kelsie Thueson said...

I have to buy a bike now so we can take long strolls on our bikes while our hubbys work their little butts off!

brooke allred said...

I have not been on a bike in so long I wonder if I still could! How fun what a awesome husband!