Saturday, April 17, 2010

Park City

Joseph and I went to Park City with our friends Jason and Casey. Casey's brother has a condo that we stayed at, it was super nice.
Joseph and I made tacos one night for dinner, here we are in the kitchen just cooking away.

Joseph and Zuri sitting in the hot tub. Z loves the hot tub.
We drove past these trees with a million shoes on them. If any one needs free shoes I know where you can find some:)
Last night we ate dinner at a pizza place. Joseph and Jason got a calzone. LOOK how HUGE that thing was. They had to split one cause it was so mammoth.


Joe and Breana said...

Awww, it looks like you guys had so much fuN! I love the shoe tree! I have seen it before and thought it was so funny! Love ya! Can't wait to see you and baby Korver!!! He's almost here!