Monday, July 20, 2009


The office has been selling in Pa so on Sat I drove down to visit and stay awhile:)
Who would have thought I would be visiting 4 states this summer instead of one!!!!!! Texas, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Here in Pa and NY they have a store called Wegmans.
Wegmans have by far the BEST subs!!! They are so good I am addicted to them:)
There was a miscommunication with the hotel. There were not enough rooms for everyone. So I brought our blow up mattress so Joseph and I could camp out in our Highlander. A little bit before bed we were told we could use the HUGE conference room, where a bed can be pulled out:) The next day while we were in Kirtland the Hotel called and said they had to use that conference room so the people had to gather up all of our stuff and dumped it in a cart and held it for us until we got back. AWKWARD:)