Wednesday, July 22, 2009

And it just keeps coming............

Well Joseph got in a wreck tonight coming home from work. Since he was there I will let him tell the story:) Well, everyone knows I'm a very cautions and safe driver =) so the good news is this accident is not my fault. (Uh, literally)

I was approaching a major intersection in some light rain, the lane to turn left was about 100 yards, and their was a solid white line the whole way back. Well, a 15 year old that had his learners permit, has yet to figure out what mirrors are for, how to look over your shoulder, to signal for 3 seconds before swithcing lanes, and has yet to know what a solid white line means. Most of all has not figured out the number one rule of the road. DONT TRY AND OCCUPY THE SAME SPACE AS ANOTHER CAR AT THE SAME TIME.
Needless to say, his learners permit has been pulled for a bit, back to the range, cones, and 3 mph. It was his 28 year old boyfriends car.


Unknown said...

Poor Cavy....Glad Joseph is okay at least!

Jason, Casey and Zuri Coutts said...

Okay now you guys hold the title of crazy stories

crystalsue said...

Uh... a 15 year old with a BOYFRIEND... thats 28 years old...Oh my!!