Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mother's Day and Payson Temple

Korver had a Mothers day program at preschool! It was so fun to go listen to all the songs he learned!

He is such a little stud!

Singing his song

After he gave me a plant and card:)

His teacher Mrs. Wright asked each student these questions and this is what Korver said:)

I had a girls night with these lovely ladies:) Keesha, Mal, Braydee, and Ash!

We went to the Chocolate after dinner and got laughing so hard about stuff! So fun

On May 15th my parents and I took Korv to go through the Payson temple open house!

He was so excited to go inside:)

He loved the white booties:)

It was so pretty inside:)

Can't believe I use to live one house away from this temple! So beautiful!


It rained the whole ride down and once we got to the temple it stopped! Korv said "Jesus stopped the rain so we could go inside the temple" he is soooo cute

As we were driving away I snapped this picture, it is beautiful!!!