Here are some of the pictures from the summer:) We got Seven PEaks passes this summer and it was the best!!!! We went a lot and Korv loved it:)
Like father like son:)Addy:) Korver will marry her one day:)
Cute boy:)
Ginger and Parker
Korv did not like the slide that much as you can see
Nikki, Addy, Korv, Ginger and Parker
Go love Go:)
My mom and sister's work had a party that we went to. It was so much fun. They had games and tons of fun things for the kids to do:)
Korv eating cotton candy or the first time. I think he ate the whole bag in like 10 min:)
My little stud
A couple weeks ago I pulled out the little pull and splash matt for the kids to play on. They loved it. Here is Braden loving the water
Addy and Korv hanging out:)
This summer was a lot of fun:) sad it is over, but excited for fall and for our little baby girl to come:)
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