Saturday, May 29, 2010

First day at the Pool:)

Kelsie got me this cute summer outfit for Korver. Its the best outfit for going to the pool:) (Thanks Kels)
Just disregard the diaper in the background:)

As soon as the sun hits his skin he is out for the count. He loves the sun, just like his mom.
I did not want him in the sun to much, so I put him underneath the stroller. He fit perfectly in there.
Doesn't he look so cute under there.
I went to change Korv's diaper and he was so relaxed he peed all over me:) It was so funny and he looked so cute I could not get upset.


Joslyn said...

Ha ha! I love that u put him in the bottom of the stroller

The Robinsons said...

freak boo you need to stop posting such cute pic. brings tears to my eyes I miss you guys like crazy!!! he is so tiny can't believe he can fit under there!! ha ha too cute. give him a kiss for me.

Kelsie Thueson said...

Cute little guy! And you are {very} welcome! I feel like he is constantly changing! One day he looks like you, then the next he looks like Joseph! So fun!! Hope all is well!