Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where did the 2 years go?

Well yesterday was our anniversary. We have been married for 2 years now. CRAZY!!! These past two years have flown by. We have done a lot since we have been married, we have lived in three different states; Florida, Virginia and now Texas. I have graduated school and we are about to get a house:) So exciting:) It has been such a fun ride with Joseph and I am very grateful that I was able to marry such a hardworking and lovable guy:)
I love you Joseph and am very blessed to be your wife I am excited and cant wait to see what the next two more years hold for us:)

P.S. Since Joseph and I are not the type to plan huge things we just hung out together last night and that was just what I wanted. Since I am not able to post my wedding pics I had to find a pic I had access to here in Texas:):)


Kara Simmons. said...

Now it's time for...BABIES!!!! Come on Britt, then we can go on play dates. Get Ginger in on the idea too.

missy said...

BrittanY!!!! Hi, I hope you don't mind me spying on your blog, I just saw it on the platinum wives blog list!! COngrats to you!!(and you hubby)

Unknown said...

Cute! Happy Anniversary! We miss you guys!