Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New Office Pet

Well everyone we have a new office pet:) Cody one of the techs here in Virginia caught this little bunny. Isnt it so cute, its name is......well I have not thought of one so for now I will call him B.B. He is one fast little bugger:)


Kelsie Thueson said...

hey Britt!!! i heard about this rabbit, and i can't believe you guys kept it! how funny...anyways, looks like you guys are having a great time! love you!

Jospeh and Brittany said...

yeah it was fun until I came the next day to let it free and it was gone. I think someone stole him:(

Charee B Mcclellan said...

Hi guys- I ran across your blog off of cheri and ryan's. Looks like you guys are doing well and having a lot of fun. Cute blog!!!

The Rindi's said...

hello I just found your blog!! It's really cute

Dream Big Designs said...

We love you guys and miss you. I hope you are keeping yourself busy. We love ya and are thinking about ya.